Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do actors, actresses, and singers get paid so much? Just think about it. They get paid around 25,000,000 dollars a year for doing absolutely nothing. Anyone can sing any one can talk. Why do they get paid so well for doing that? People who have an education and who actually work hard don’t even get paid half of what they do. People who actually make a difference in our world are treating just like everyone else- nothing. For intense teachers, they only get paid around 40,000 dollars. They should be the ones on news papers. They should be the ones on TV. They should be treated way better and should be payed what their standard is. They actually make a difference. They’re the ones who help us in our everyday life’s. Without them we would have or be nothing. But yet they only get paid so much. While singer, actors and so on do nothing in our society get paid as much as they want. What do singers do to help us? Yeah they give us music but how does that improve us? What do they do to change our country? Nothing! So why do they get paid such a high value for not even working hard? People who have an education and go to school and college should be paid way more than what famous people do. Its outrageous how much some people are paid who don’t have an education or who didn’t have to suffer through college. I think it’s just ridiculous.

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